Workplace Impairment Recognition Expert
With the evolving laws on the recreational use of Cannabis Products in various states across the US and Canada, the need for a Workplace Impairment Recognition Expert Program has become a necessity. After action drug testing alone is no longer sufficient to prove impairment when an incident occurs. Employers now need realtime data from a WIRE evaluation to identify impairment at the time of an accident or other adverse event. As impairment experts, SIX 4 Consultants is a thought leader in this new field of Workplace Impairment Recognition Experts. We are currently working with industry professionals, labor leaders, insurance companies, lawyers, politicians and media to build this developing concept. Our experts were certified by the International Association of Chiefs of Police and are recognized across all 50 States, Canada and beyond.
The new laws and pending legislation allowing for legal use of recreational cannabis clearly prohibit an employer or potential employer from workplace discrimination specifically as it relates to "off-duty" cannabis use. While drug testing is still legal under certain circumstances, it is no longer evidentiary when it comes to workplace impairment. Drug testing for cannabis identifies THC metabolites in the blood or urine which can be present for up to 30 days after use. The presence of THC metabolites is not conclusive when it comes to real time impairment following an incident. A Workplace Impairment Recognition Expert can conduct a Drug Evaluation and Classification exam to confirm impairment a the time of the incident and under which drug category (or categories) by which the individual is currently under the influence of.
Practical Use
Your business will need to develop a critical drug policy that includes specific procedures to identify impairment in the workplace. Workplace safety is overseen by the Occupation Health and Safety Administration (OSHA) and underwritten by your insurance company. Both of these entities will support your company when your policies and practices are aligned. Use of a Workplace Impairment Recognition Expert can also rule out impairment, protecting you from false accusations.
Our experts can help you train your executives, managers and frontline supervisors to help identify impairment in an effort to mitigate risk. At this time civilians cannot be trained to certify as a DRE since this is currently a Law Enforcement designation only. If your company is looking to employ a Workplace Impairment Recognition Expert in-house, we can help you identify and interview potential candidates through our network of retired police officers.